This is late - sorry about that. Had a cleaning crew come in; the house was a wreck.
This comment on yesterday's post is another issue altogether.

I can’t really get an orgasm. I know i ejaculate but i am not getting any good feeling. Its like right after masturbating i feel so bad. It maybe has to do with me being ashamed of myself masturbating?
To be ashamed of engaging in the most common sexual activity there an awful situation to deal with. It most likely stems from having been "caught" by a parent, or other authority figure, and being harangued and told it's "bad," "nasty," or any other negative sentiment. Or, it stems from strict religious training. Both of which are difficult to shove away.
Anonymous, I encourage you to find positive reinforcement about masturbating. Visiting blogs (like this one) might help. A website like Bateworld could help. More importantly, as Dear Abby might suggest, a good therapist would help - one who specializes in sexual dysfunction, because that is what you are experiencing; sexual dysfunction.
Another thing which you might find helpful and advantageous, if you can find one near you, is to attend a Jack Off Group. There you will find men from all walks of life and all sexual orientations enjoying the pleasures of masturbating.
The male anatomy was designed to do exactly what it's doing.
And you should be finding pleasure in it.
Suggestions, Readers?
I grew up in much the same way - after masturbating I would feel ashamed and would pray to God to please not send me to the burning fires of Hell. It took many years to overcome that misguided training and teaching of the religion and culture I was born into. There is a website I found helpful on the issue. It is called Christians and Solo Sex - here's the link:
I think the site is helpful to all people - not just Christians. The main gist of the site is to help us understand that Masturbation is Gift and we should celebrate our bodies and the beautiful feelings of pleasure we were given to enjoy and celebrate. Hope this helps. Have a delicious day, my Friend. Hugs, Licks, and Strokes, AOM
a good therapist is my suggestion!
All of those are great suggestions.
I ejaculated yesterday, no later thant last evening, for the first time since I don't know how many time, certainly more than one or two years. And I have had erections the two previous days. My son says that it’s one of the results of having ceased to smoke so much as previously. It was while I was making àne of my gifs. I haven't have a real orgasm or even (physically) a great pleasure, but it has been a great relaxing release.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat
Yes, your advice is right on. He needs to find a good therapist ASAP.
For petes sake reader, grab that dick and jack it. There is nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. And it's healthy to do too.
Just re-reading his comments, how can you ejaculate and not feel anything? Is that possible? There’s a lot of things going on in that process, so it seems you would certainly feel something. So the question would be, has he EVER felt anything?
Hugs and bisous.
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