Every so often I like to see what is driving traffic to my blog...and it can inform a future post. The search criteria is typically the most interesting, and this time the count for "auto asphyxiation erection" accounted for 4 searches that led guys (I assume) to Big Whack Attack.
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I can think of only one post about the subject when David Carradine's death was reported. The actual term is "auto-erotic asphyxiation" - the act of strangling oneself to achieve a harder erection and more intense ejaculation.
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It's a little-known fact that an erection is a side effect of strangulation. But, some guys will discover this by accident...and before you know it, they've devised a way to hang themselves to achieve their goal of the sensation(s). Problem is, they end up losing consciousness and die. Almost 1,000 men per year, if you can imagine. Now, I have nothing against any erotic activity - as long as it's consensual and no one gets hurt. Of course, with this one, the only consent one needs is his own because it's a form of masturbation.
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However, if you think you'd like to try this (or you already do it) find a willing partner to be with you.
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I can't state this strongly enough: Never, never, never do it while you are alone.
No boner
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No jack-off session
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no geyser of jizz, no matter how enormous,
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No shotgun blasts of cum
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no matter how enormous
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is worth dying for.
I strangle myself with my indignation in front of so much stupidity from these thousand dead persons.
Die to have more pleasure when we imagine ourselves that we have it not enough is stupid.
That is not less stupid in the absence of sexual motivation, and unfortunately too many children are victims by curiosity or after a stupid bet.
You said: "1,000 men per year". Is it in the World or in the USA?
I wish you a wondrous day, my baby, with a lot of bisous.
Great information and warning! Some fantastic cocks! Long session with doctor - blood pressure not good, so increase in medication - cortisone injection in left hip next Tuesday to relieve problems there. This aging process! Hugs my friend, Patrick
Your absolutely right. This is one thing I'd never try. I enjoy my hard erections and shots of cum now ....as it is.
Ya got that right!
Excellent article. Unfortunately, I know someone who died of autoerotic asphyxiation. I believe you're correct; it wouldn't have happened if he had someone with him. Take that to heart guys.
Amen for sure!!
so true!
thanks for all your kind comments on my http://menforxersex.blogspot.com
@ Tex - I am sorry to hear of your loss. It's especially tragic when it could've been prevented. Yet, this is another one of those sexual expressions which is kept deeply hidden from others. The more open a society becomes regarding sexual proclivities, the fewer tragedies we would find.
"Almost 1000 men per year"??? That figure is unimaginable! Where does that statistic come from? Like French Patrick, I have to wonder whether this number is worldwide or in North America.
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