Well, here's an old-but-new trend. Penile Pearling. Implanting of metal (imagine trying to get through an airport security) or silicone rods and beads under the skin of the shaft.
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From Prince Alberts
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Frenulum Piercings
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to Scrotal Rings,
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whether gay, straight or bi, mankind has always looked for ways to adorn the cock.
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From my understanding, it's as much for aesthetics as it is for enhancing sexual pleasure. I can only say, if you want to do any of those things, ensure it's being done under sterile conditions, with sterile instruments, by a professional who knows what he or she is doing.
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Call me a Cock Traditionalist, but a glans ring is about as far as I will go in the adornment department.
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Guys, your cock is beautiful just the way nature provided it to you. Even if you were circumcised, whether as a baby or as an adult due to medical reasons
Or whether it is fully intact
Be proud of what you have.
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It will give immense pleasure without the beads and rods.
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"your cock is beautiful just the way nature provided it to you"
couldn't agree more with you!
I'm with you. Give me a beautiful natural cock, the bigger the better. Picture 7, I find not the slightest thing attractive about that.
But! If these things really turn you and/or your partners on, why not do it! My body unfortunately rejects all of these things, even an ear ring. While I agree that the cock, as is, is wonderful, I can see no valid reason for opposing these things! I might be 81 years old, but I'm not "old fashioned". Why even the Prince Consort gave his name to the "PA" - Prince Albert - and that was in 1800s! VIVE LE COCK! Sorry to disagree, my dear friend! Hugs, Patrick
I can't imagine doing that.
Penile Pearling? Pearling what? Aa woman's oyster?
Anyway, as well if it is named Penil Pearling or Penis Piercing, it's just what I hate.
Fortunately you won your forgivness with the last photos.
Therefore I can wish you a wondrous day, my darling, with a lot of bisous.
Natural is beautiful and sexy. Don't we have about a million years hard-wired into us to think that way too?
In the meantime our weatherman says we're all going to die from the storm of the century headed our way! 24" forecast snow!
Nope - not for me. I love what nature gave me - there is no perfecting that. Just the thought makes me queezy. I hope you and yours are doing well, bro. Have a bonerific day! Hugs and Strokes, AOM
El pelirrojo de la foto 11, con esa piel de lechoncillo blanca y lechosa, es el prototipo de hombre que me gusta follar.
A Anon (translation) - The redhead in photo 11 with the milky white skin is the type of man I like to fuck.
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