Tomorrow marks 12 years of this blog working toward education
about male anatomy.
Uncut |
Cut and Issues That Can Affect Either |
Cock Size |
Ball Cancer and Other Testicular Issues |
When to See Your Doctor |
Morning Wood |
and the Various Kinds of Boners |
Jacking Off |
Pre-cum |
Cum |
Types and Dangers of Cock Rings |
Mutual and Group Jack Off |
Being Naked Without Shame |
Those are just a few of the subjects I've covered over the years.
And I thank all of you for sticking around, for asking questions, and for contributing to discussions with your comments and emails.
A Very BIG THANK YOU for all of the help and information you provide.
BWA is my first blog go to everyday.
Happy Blog Bday!!!
I too raise my glass to your health. The Champagne in the last photo, not the beer in the first photo.
Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Postscript: There were only seven days in 2010.
It's not just the pictures of men that keeps me here! Discussions of ManStuff is the glue that keeps this site interesting!
Thanks for all the fun and information!
Bon anniversaire et continue encore pour longtemps....
Hey bigwhackattack! Your blog is gorgeous, hot, and caring. I always enjoy my visits here. Am currently enjoying exploring your archives too. I'm finding lots of hot naked guys! :-) Congrats on 12 years! Hope there will be many more. Best wishes, Carl Miller Daniels p.s. I love the name "bigwhackattack"! Brilliant, with a lovely touch of humor! :-)
Congratulations! And Thank You for addressing so many important issues and answering countless questions over thousands of posts! May you continue for many more years! Andy
happy birthday!!! well done!
I discovered you blog less than a year ago, but have learned a lot from it already. I like it when you remind us to do our ball checks. I also like seeing my brother males naked, soft, hard, shooting sploot, and all the fun stuff us guys can do together. It's nice to "talk" to men who understand cocks, balls, jizz...Thanks for a great blog.
Congratulations! and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your dedication to always providing such great content.
Congratulations on 12 years!! Thank you for all of the time and effort you put towards educating and entertaining us all!! You efforts are much appreciated!
I started shaving my cock a few years ago because of this blog! Thanks for keeping it up =)
Congratulations and keep up the good work. I wish I had found this 12 years ago, but moreover wish there had been this kind of information available 45 -50 years ago. Things would probably have been very different for me if I had access to such good information that long ago. Thanks for all that you do!
I read your blog every day. I think I've commented only two or three times. But I have often pointed other men and women to your blog to find answers to their questions.
Just know that we anonymous folks, are here every day, enjoying your hard work. And that we also enjoy the sites/work of the family of folks who regularly comment in this little box.
I enjoy finally being relaxed in my own skin, being naked at the beach. The gradual disappearance of body issues is such a relief. The knowledge and well being that humans can experience living in their own skin is a blessing.
No matter what size or shape I have become, I found there's a new group of men to welcome me. I used to be a blond twink type decades ago, a bit lost. Now I am older and bearishly becoming a daddy type. Who knew back then that "sexy-ness" can be so many shapes, sizes, ages. The journey is rewarding. I am glad the internet exists to make the journey of being a man easier for those young men today. Information and acceptance are powerful.
West Seattle
Congratulations, Pat. Your blog is the only of its kind, and much appreciated. -Larry
12 years of cock, talking of cock, education, and good conversation with friends on this site has been well worth it. Here's the 12 more years!
@ Anon in West Seattle, December 9, 2022 at 10:41 PM - Thank you for such kind words, and for pointing others here for information. Knowledge is power - if you put it to use and it appears you are doing just that! Bravo!!
@ Anon, December 9, 2022 at 3:33 PM - I agree that many men's (and women's) lives would have been a lot different, and dare I say better, if everyone had access to this kind of information 50 years ago. Thank you for reading!
@ PaulMmn - It's the pictures (I think) that draw people to the blog, and the information and discussion that keeps them coming back. Well, I hope so, anyway. Thank you for being one of them!
I mean, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male came out in 1948, but yeah, yay for social media.
Funny thing, the male volume wasn't the scandal it sometimes is today; five years later, the female volume, while somewhat tamer, exploded the myth of women all being frigid.
O man, I have learned so much. where were you when I was 15. 65 now and learning so much nearly daily
Congratulations on this milestone! Thank you for caring about your readers. I wish it was around when I was younger. I could've avoided a pitfall or two...
Happy Birthday.
Thanks for a great blog. I have previously contributed and continue to be a follower.
Enjoyable and informative.
you do a great service to men and our members !!
From a very Frosty North yorkshire !!
Happy 12th Birthday, your blog is now in puberty. We were away for the weekend and just got back and read the current entry. We both want to thank you for the wealth of good information you have provided. We have only been reading about a year but the information has been very useful. You will never really know the true number of lives you have touched and helped. Please keep up your great work.
Happy birthday to the blog!!!! And the bets wishes for the owner ;) !!!!
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