Friday, July 19, 2024

Cleanse the Palate

 Thank you for all the great reading suggestions!

After watching (yes, we watched - all week) the most disgusting display ever perpetrated upon a gullible crowd...

...the use of a prop and claiming it was the slain man's actual gear.

Here's the real thing:

Here's something to help cleanse the palate.


SickoRicko said...

Thank you for the cleanse.

UnapologeticFox said...

Now that is a buffet of very hot men! Damn! Now I gotta spank one out! hehehe... :)

Your French Patrick said...

So much water, so much water Marshal Mac Mahon exclaimed in front of the floods of the Garonne.
He was answered: “And yet, you only see the surface.”
This is what I want to say in front of all these swimming pools.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.
Have a great Friday.

Mistress Maddie said...

I love a good pallet cleanser especially when it's down my throat! Meanwhile you're better than I. No way could I watch the RNC. My blood pressure probably would have went through the roof over such evil stupidity and ignorance.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

And what a nice palate cleanser!!!

Oh and fuck Cheeto.


Anonymous said...

I loved the convention. As a Gay man I thought President Trump was wonderful. Knowing that you watched and are disgusted makes me even happier. Your outright hatefulness led to his assassination attempt and holding up the deceased man’s uniform was a reminder of how YOUR public display of hatefulness led to that innocent man’s death. You’re a very pathetic person and your public display of HATE is the cause. Look at the comment above. Calling him Cheeto. Proves my point. This Gay man is voting Trump in 2024, and I know a lot of Gay men who are, but won’t say because of physical retaliation. Oh BTW, your HATEFULNESS is responsible for that as well and that makes you a real POS.

Anonymous said...

Big Dude. I won't even comment on His Assness' contemptible behavior. Fuck him. As for t by e bare cocks shown here...I'm on my knees. Brin 'em on!

whkattk said...

@ Anon - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

It was one of your own staunch Republicans who shot up the rally.

You're the one spewing the hate. Everything you do is nothing but transference - accusing others of hate because YOU hate. But what / who do you hate? You hate YOURSELF.

I'm a "POS" and yet...and still keep coming back! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I told you in the actual post the other day that I don't censor. But I think in your case I'll make an exception. From now on, any further attack comments will not be released for public consumption. I will no longer submit my readers to your self-hatred, your toxicity.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

I could not watch the lies spewed at the conventions. Remember: "Your vote reflex's your integrity", or lack thereof. If one supports a habitual liar, then they are no more than a liar yourself. etc.

Son of EL said...

Oh! And it's the FORMER President Trump. (Pres. Biden is the CURRENT DULY elected PRESIDENT.) Cheeto was Twice impeached. Disgraced. And is a CONVICTED FELON. Cheeto Man is a disgrace to the people of America. He cowers to dictators and wishes he were one. HATE is perpetuated by HIM and his cultist sycophants like YOU.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:23 is at it again as usual. He leaves the most hateful statements at Rick’s blog as well, he must be one of those gop log cabin fools. Trump brought on his own assassination attempt with his dangerous and deranged rhetoric, shot at by one of his own gun loving loons. It was just a matter of time that Trump would set one of his own followers off. - Rj

whkattk said...

@ Rj - Trump and his campaign arranged it --- start to finish. Too much evidence points to that being the case.

uptonking said...

A pool. I need to find a friend with a pool. As much as I love the prairie, I love swimming in a pool. Kizzes.