Monday, July 1, 2024

Happy July


Good morning.

Happy July

It was a fairly nice, uneventful week. Actually went out to eat twice - a rarity since the Covid - and went to see a show. That was fun. The rest of the time was spent

Here are the Monday Giggles to kick off the week.




Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I can't believe it's July already!!
And dildo pudding? I have questions!!! LOL


SickoRicko said...

Quite a few good laughs. I'm glad you had a nice week.

Mistress Maddie said...

Keep rubbing the Genine will pop out soon! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm behind the eight ball today. Missing my train last night threw me off all day. And that silly queen who wouldn't shut up. Had no one else been around, I might have pulled my dick out, told him to shut up and suck up!!!!! At least it would have been quiet, and I'd gotten some enjoyment out of it.

Anonymous said...

I want to play with that

Jean said...

We sure needed some good laughs after last week! I couldn’t help but laugh at the red fire extinguisher mistaken for the extra large red dildo. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

Oui, Joyeux Jour du Canada :)
-Beau Mec

uptonking said...

Ribbed for her pleasure... got me. Thanks for the giggles. Hope all is well. Kizzes.