Wednesday, March 5, 2025




WTF was that? We didn't watch, but christ on a cracker, did ***anything*** true or factual come out of that piehole? According to what I've been reading, nope. Not a bit. He sounded drunk or high on something. Maybe Elonia shared some of her Ketamine beforehand. I saw Slotkin's rebuttal. I didn't like it. Not strong enough. I keep waiting for the congressional Democrats to get angry. Al Green was evicted for disruption and MTG, ironically declared how terrible he was for yelling out and interrupting The Felon. Ain't that rich....


Anyway, I hope you had a lovely Fastnacht. Enjoy some Midweek Mirth.

The Oscar weekend is over and the guests have left. I'll share my impressions of the outcome tomorrow.

Monday, March 3, 2025

What a Weekend



Well, what a weekend, eh? Disgusting displays by The Felon, The Couchfucker, et al on Friday afternoon. Then on Saturday, the SCOTUS gave The Felon another win over Congress and the lower courts. If you'd like to show the people of Ukraine that we, the people of the US, stand with them and not Russia:

Have some Monday Giggles