Monday, March 24, 2025

Happy Monday



Monday Giggles

Oh, that was my mom, alright.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Happy Monday.


Mistress Maddie said...

Of course you know the guy with the All-Star sneakers caught my eye first. I would so be asking if you need help tucking that back in, or just pulling it out further. On the first picture sums up Monday for me. It's overcast and cloudy.

SickoRicko said...

Terrific giggles.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Costco blueberries! WD-40! Have a good Monday!

Rade said...

There was no ADHD when I was growing up. If you acted out, you got "your chakra's corrected" by the Principal, and when you got home, you got them realigned three times more by the folks for needing them corrected at school!

I look at some of these kids today and... it's woefully apparent that chakra alignment was never part of their development.

And regardless, we will all still end up in therapy.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I needed those.
And the dick slip.


CAAZ said...

Thanks for the Monday giggles.

William said...

Thanks for the laughs!

uptonking said...

Dick slips are the universe's way of letting us know it's the small things that matter.

Jean said...

I guess I’ve seen everything with the mobile vasectomy clinic! Americans are certainly full of entrepreneurs, I bet they do a brisk business.
And yes there are still some of us left living who remember getting smacked and spanked. I was only smacked once. It was so shameful, it was very effective, never happened again.
Hugs and bisous

whkattk said...

If I know you, Maddie, you'd be pulling it further out first.

whkattk said...

A decent set.

whkattk said...

Thank you, Debra!

whkattk said...

Oh, I think you're right. That was the way it went in our house.

whkattk said...

I thought that one was funny, so I just had to add the photo.

whkattk said...

Thank you for reading!

whkattk said...

Thanks for reading!

whkattk said...


whkattk said...

Oh, when we got into trouble at school, we got the paddle --- when we got home, we didn't expect sympathy because we got more of the discipline.
Hugs and bisous.