Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Damn Good Dose of Instruction

The thing about masturbation is that we learn...we learn what particular stimulation is pleasurable. But most importantly, we learn to control our ejaculations. And that is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves, and ultimately to a partner because we are then able to communicate to them what we enjoy and how to make the pleasure last.





Sharing in Tantric Massage, or getting with a buddy, or group of men to share Tantric Masturbation, provides just such lessons. The ability to control when we cum prolongs the experience not only for our own pleasure, but for the pleasure of others.

And, Straight Dudes...joining one another for a good session - well, any session, really - doesn't necessarily have to include embracing or kissing

It doesn't need to involve any oral or anal activity, if that's what worries you.

But as I remarked to one of Jean's comments last week: Sadly, many men really could use a damn good dose of instruction on how to discover the enjoyment of their cocks.

Sitting across from one another can provide some helpful information, such as new ways to stimulate and ways to keep us from cumming.
Even the typical circle or arc formation - or a single instructor whom everyone observes - can offer advantages to learning control.


Your French Patrick said...

I return on what you said about the insurances. You are right, but the fact that that is necessary or not, vital or not, normal or not, is not a criterion for them. Their studies limit to calculate how much they can win when the disease doesn't occur and how much they can lose should the opposite case.
In France, a law forces the insurers to ensure that everybody can be insured. The result is that the insurers created insurances specialized in the aggravated risks and that they redirect towards them the customers whom they refuse. And the latter get rid of the large number of them thanks to tarrifs, delay and conditions very dissuasive.

I have a quote for you: “It is when a mosquito settles on our balls that we realize that we cannot solve everything by the violence.”
LOL, for pity's sake don't miss to take the problem of having a mosquito on our balls in account on the 15th of December devoted to the monthly balls checking.

I wish you a wondrous day, my darling, with a lot of bisous and other lovies.

Anonymous said...

Always learning and evolving - it is a great adventure. Thanks for all your wonderful information. Yes! French Patrick, you and I made for a delicioud parting shot! LOL Wishing you a delicious jizztastic day, bro. Hugs and Strokes, AOM

Xersex said...

I'm quite good in manage the time of my ejaculation, to tell the truth. I cum only if I decide to cum...

Your French Patrick said...

Postscript: Beyond what is funny in my quote, it would be a good subject for an examination of philosophy.
The title of a movie which has had an enormous success is followed by four suspension points instead of three, and that fed the reflexions of an author who wrote not less than 360 pages on this subject.
Knowing that, how many pages would be necessary to deal with the issue of my quote?
It’s the number of bisous that I send you, mon chéri.

Mistress Maddie said...

Well, if you ever start classes, I'm raising my hand to volunteer for demonstration.

Unknown said...

Great information as always with wonderful images! You are doing a fantastic job really, but if only those who really need this information were able to get it from a father or older brother or other male relative or older friend as part of growing up. Thanks for all that you are doing and for your visits and comments. Lots of hugs, Patrick

SickoRicko said...

I especially like the finger going up and down the cock.

JeanWM said...

Too funny French Patrick. Great quote, Just too long for a needlepoint pillow!

Your French Patrick said...

@ Jean WM
It is well noted, Jean. Christmas is coming and I have studied the possibilities of sending you a wider one than yours. It's done, I phoned to Santa Claus that he has to deliver you a king size handmade pillow filled with duck down and having the quote already embroidered on the pillow bag in a mix of satin and velvet.
Don't thank me, I couldn't have asked less of myself.

Postscript: We could also shorten the quotation. For example: "A mosquito on my balls? The violence is not a solution!" I thought of it too late, I cannot cancel my order.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - Now I want to know the title of that film!

@ Jean - but the quote might fit in a frame and go on the wall!

whkattk said...

@ mistress maddie - Sir, you've got the job!

Your French Patrick said...

@ whkattk:
The shooting of the movie is not ended. It has a temporary title but it will certainly not be kept when it will be screened. I shall let you know.