Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Cause for Celebration


I had so many comments and emails about yesterday's GIF but one asked what film it's from. If anyone knows - or can find out - please let us all know. It would be a comedy worth watching!

Faithful Reader Joost sent an email with some very interesting links that provide fodder for posts. One focused on those nighttime boners men get.

"...this nocturnal erection issue just reminded me about an Ig Nobel Prize winner a few years ago in 2018,

One of the winners was an article in which they used postage stamps to check whether or not an erection was there. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQqZVthHyuA&t=4395s (long video; see at 1 hour 13 min. for that particular part with hilarious images of stamps that could have been used, followed by a short demonstration of the research using balloons) and the article of 1988: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3359920/ for more info on the prize winning paper."

Ig Nobel Prizes.

I love it. Awards for things that can be funny as hell but still make you think. My buddy's play Phallusies would qualify. I wonder how nominations work?

Yup. Aside from the physical exam, blood tests, etc, way back when, urologists would tell men suffering from ED to wrap postage stamps around the shaft at night as a test. If the stamps were ripped apart and mangled in the morning, it meant their cock was functioning just fine. Later on, men were sent home with a ridiculous contraption called a RigiScan to measure rigidity. 

How the hell do they expect you to sleep with something strapped to your leg and wires wrapped around your cock?

The thing this all dismisses is the fact that many men suffering from ED still get nocturnal erections. Then the urologist will place the blame on psychological issues. I can tell you from personal experience that can be hogwash. The occasional boner still wakes me at night...

...and morning wood is cause for celebration.


Mistress Maddie said...

It's been a while since I had a nocturnal emission...until the other night I happened to wake up with a sensation...and realized I was climaxing.

JeanWM said...

"How the hell do they expect you to sleep with something strapped to your leg and wires wrapped around your cock?"

If I can sleep at 37,000 feet with about 300 people with me..... oh wait, I can't.

Hugs and Bisous.

Your French Patrick said...

Sorry, as regards the gif I have found nothing other than the gif itself.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings chéris Jean and Pat.

Bretty said...

The GIF is from a 2007 movie spin off from the American Pie franchise, Beta House. The actor is kinda hot; he also starred in the previous movie Naked Mile. Think there were a lot of naked folks in that. No full frontal obviously.

PaulMmn said...

If nothing else, 'mangled stamps' mean that the mechanism is still working... now, whether you can fire it up on demand can be another issue!


Anonymous said...

Guess I will have to volunteer to lick the stamps for application! And while I am down there, I might as well lick some other things. Hopefully my abilities will cause those stamps to tear! :-)

Xersex said...

love those dicks and I'm so curious to know the movie!