Friday, March 14, 2025

Humorless People



Happy Pi Day!

Thanks to Debra, fellow blogger at She Who Seeks for the Cthulu!





"I wonder if it's possible to be born without a sense of humor. A follower on one of the socials who, apparently, doesn't grasp the humor in posts and responds with either some nasty comment like, "That's not funny!" or "I don't get it, what does that mean?" Are there really humorless people in the world like that?"

Occasionally I've run into people like that. For instance, this meme was greeted by one woman with "There's nothing funny about getting injured!"

 Instead of getting aggravated with them, I feel sorry for them. Imagine going through life and finding little to laugh about.

Readers, do you know any humorless people; folks that can be total buzz-killers?


SickoRicko said...

Fortunately, I don't.

Mistress Maddie said...

I think people need to get a sense of humor. And to hang with me one best have a wicked sense of humor as I get snarky...shady...and very politically incorrect.!!!!! And yes people are born without a sense of humor. Look at the dump and the Republican Party.

NachoAverageBear said...

I can name a few humorless people, but luckily, I don't hang out with them. I've learned that no matter how careful you are with your wording or no matter how innocent a meme actually is, there will always be someone who will be offended. Everything you post is guaranteed to upset someone. Your only options are: Ignore them or Stop posting. Please don't stop putting things out there!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Bet those people miss many social clues also.
What I can’t explain is why they are on social media…


Anonymous said...

Absolutely...either they don't understand or are just plain hard to boring

Boz Bochner said...

I've learned the humorless people are generally unhappy and/or have a sub par intelligence level.

whkattk said...

You're a lucky one.

whkattk said...

You know I love snarky...shady...and politically incorrect.

whkattk said...

I've pretty much learned to ignore them. I don't even respond to their comments anymore.

whkattk said...

Yeah, good question....

whkattk said...

How boring, and joyless.

whkattk said...

I never thought about a lower intelligence level - but it makes sense.