Friday, July 26, 2024


Good morning. 

It's the start of the Summer Olympics.

About the only thing we watch are the swimming and diving.

Though with Simone back, we may have to watch some gymnastics.

I mean, it's sorta like dance.

Isn't it?

A last-minute Friday chuckle from the B Boys:

Happy weekend!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Such a Pessimist


Good morning.

Sitting on the patio last evening, the wife lets out a heavy sigh, then says, "I can't believe Summer is half gone already." She can be such a pessimist at times.

What's a guy to do with such a glass-half-empty sentiment?

Except get out and enjoy every possible minute of it.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Not Feeling the Explosion

Good morning.

"My wife and I fuck at least 2 times a week but recently I have been cumming and not really feeling the explosion and sometimes I’m not even sure I’ve cum. Strange but later I actually know I’ve cum. Any ideas why?"

Well, that sucks. Ejaculation is supposed to feel pleasurable. The explosive nature of it adds to our sense of sexual release.

Weak ejaculation symptoms include:

Reduced ejaculation volume. You may notice that you don't ejaculate as much as you used to. 

  • Reduced force of ejaculation. In addition to ejaculating less semen, you may feel like your semen isn't expelled with as much force as usual.
  • Difficulty ejaculating.

According to the Cleveland Clinic:

It's fairly common and rarely cause for concern, but if consistent should be evaluated by a physician.

Anorgasmia, or a weak ejaculation --- sometimes called inhibited ejaculation --- is a common issue that can be caused by a number of different things: age, lifestyle, medications, or underlying medical problems; recent surgeries near or around the genitals, complications from cancer treatment like radiation.  

Medications for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH), an enlarged (noncancerous) prostate can also be a cause of a weakened sense of explosive ejaculation.

What can you do about it? First, if this is persistent, go for a complete physical. Make sure there are no underlying conditions.

In the meantime, do you can do Kegels to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that help you ejaculate. Lower volume means that less fluid is being forced out. If the first spurt is weak, the remainder seem to diminish sooner.

Also remember that sexual tension can be wound up like a spring. the more build-up to the orgasm the better it feels to cum.

So, you might also try spending more time on foreplay.