Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Potpourri


Good morning.

Today is a potpourri.

A day of remembrance.

Later this Fall, my buddy's play about this will get 2 performances in NYC.

Midweek Mirth

Birth Control on a budget

And last night's game was quite an exciting one.

Well, for one team, anyway.


SickoRicko said...

Very nice post.

Anonymous said...

Madam VP sweep the stage over the multiple indicted, twice impeached disgraced orange blob. YIPPEEE!!

Mistress Maddie said...

An hour of baby crying? Somebody ought to get Trump that record.

Anonymous said...

Last pi is a challenging bros

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG the blowjobs. THAT would get some attention.


Jean said...

Yep, the cowboy boots are a nice touch. And after last night, we have a winner.
Hugs and bisous.

uptonking said...

Yes, I'm ready to stand up and cheer, too!

whkattk said...


whkattk said...

She sure did.

whkattk said...

I agree. The fact that he's reproduced and has been training his male offspring to be as nasty as he is should be reason enough.

whkattk said...

LOL. It is.

whkattk said...

I'll bet it does. LOL

whkattk said...

I was hoping someone would appreciate those....
It was a good debate - and I'd watch that movie again!
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Along with a sigh of relief....