Monday, September 9, 2024

Monsoons / Giggles


Good morning.

The monsoons have been skirting the valley. That's a good thing. It keeps the debris down and pool temp up.

The Monday Giggles

It's old, but I still find it funny.

Happy Monday


Your French Patrick said...

My favorite picture is the one telling what to do for my funerals

Mistress Maddie said...

This page is unclean!!!!!! I loved that one.

William said...

Great laughs. Thanks. Have a great week.

SickoRicko said...

The password one was a hoot!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

OMG I'm gonna do that with my phone! Putting it in my will STAT.
And I want that Freshman! Now.


Jean said...

The “Password” was hilarious! I laughed just as hard the second time I read it.
II hope everyone has their 🍿🍺 for tomorrow’s Debate. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Mine, too! I have friends who actually do that.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Um, it's true, too.

whkattk said...

Thanks. You, too!

whkattk said...

I've felt that frustration....

whkattk said...

I like that one, too. And the counterpart where I friend sends out a text during the service that reads: "Thank you all for coming."
The best part? I have friends who would actually do that.

whkattk said...

We are set. it should be a pretty good game.
Hugs and bisous.

uptonking said...

That last one explains the Repulsivcan party. Oh, evolution, thou hast done us wrong.

whkattk said...

Severely wrong!

Anonymous said...

Chris Casablanca is so hot!