Thursday, September 19, 2024

Split Stream


Good morning.

"What's with the two streams? It's bad enough trying to aim first thing in the morning with a raging hard-on but this makes a real mess!"

I'm pretty sure all guys have experienced this at one time or another.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, if it happens all the time, it could be any number of things: urethral Stricture, Prostatitis, Meatal Stenosis (a partial blockage), Urethral Polyps. In which case, you should see your doctor or urologist.

Commonly, it's caused by a bit of semen stuck inside the urethra, or on the tip, after an ejaculation.

It can also be a bit of pre-cum that may have accompanied those nocturnal erections.

If you don't clear the urethra after you cum,

or if it's pre-cum from a nighttime boner, you can avoid the spraying, split stream by giving the very tip a gentle squeeze to open the urethra before you let loose.

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