Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Bloomed Overnight


Good morning.

The desert sage bloomed overnight. Walked out the back door to a sea of purple bushes. I love it when this happens. Though, I'll admit I don't love cleaning all those tiny petals out of the pool when they fall off. Which also means in the meantime, I'm rescuing bees out of the pool.


The Midweek Mirth


SickoRicko said...

Thanks for the giggles.

Your French Patrick said...

"Nude Vampire With Gloves" by Tanja Jeremic (1864)
So the photographer is not unknown.
The model is Rembrandt

whkattk said...

You're welcome. Even with all the excitement surrounding the election, I think we still need the laughs.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Where are the pictures of the purple Desert Sage? Would love to see them.

I wish the local Drug dealers would give our town another police car. LOL

whkattk said...

Thank you, mon ami!
Hugs and bisous.

Mistress Maddie said...

I love that your finally get to enjoy some color in a otherwise burnt landscape from the heat.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

For a second there I thought: 'Is Big at the pool?' and then I realized it was Chad Douglas...


uptonking said...

Love that last one... hey... how did you get the respond thing? I would love that. All mine does is post what others say... thanks for the giggles.

whkattk said...

I shall try to make that happen.

whkattk said...

Yeah, it can get quite boring looking at a brown and tan landscape.

whkattk said...

Well, Big certainly WAS at and in the pool - just not in the photo. LOL

whkattk said...

I don't know, really. it showed up for Rick and I both...then went away...then reappeared.
I wonder if it would show up if you reinstalled the widget?

Anonymous said...

I think the 1960 Buick poster meant 180 degrees to beat his ass. Perhaps that's why his Mom beat his ass, because he flunked geometry. But regardless, that's a cool feature in a car. My how things have changed, now Moms either scream at the kids or turn around and hit them and have accidents.