Friday, September 6, 2024

Knowing and Seeing


Good morning.

"We've never been shy about morning wood or spontaneous boners and my son knows why he gets them. He recently had his first wet dream and so now we've had the talk about masturbation. Labor day his mom saw him doing it out in the back yard and wants me to tell him. I don't think thats a good idea. Advice please?"

First, it's good to know you've been explaining things along the way. Age-appropriate education is the best way to go about it. Is it a good idea to tell him his mother saw him jacking off? No.

Should you have a talk with him about discretion? Yes.

Instead of saying his mom saw him, tell him it was you. Carry the blame to save him the embarrassment with his mother. Because he would be. There's a difference between moms and dads knowing we jack off. 

Moms know, because of course they do. But there's a difference between knowing and seeing.


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Wait, he was jerking off in the backyard??
No. That needs to stop.
Also, that first man you posted? Those eyes!!!


Mistress Maddie said...

Good advice!!! There is a time and place. I have jacked off in the garden....but it was also under the cover of night time.

UnapologeticFox said...

I agree with you here. It's good that the dad is having a conversation with his son about his natural habits, his natural physiology
But, yes, there's a time and place for jacking off and that's generally in private
Kudos to the dad for not making his son feel ashamed

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Tell him that there is nothing wrong with masturbation, but there is a time and a place for everything. Certain pleasures do not need to be shared where everyone can see. He has not seen you masturbate, but you do.

Good idea to not let him know that his mother saw him.

Anonymous said...

One of my all-time favorite things to do is to jack-off in a raging downpour while the rush of rain washes over me. Soaking my head of hair, my chest and my dense furry pubes. I LOVE TO JACK-OFF OUTDOORS. But discretion is a must. I would not want it spoiled by cops catching me in this glorious act of being a red-blooded hard cock engorged man.

SickoRicko said...

Sage advice. Have a good weekend.

nakedswimmer said...

Definitely easier if your dad catches you.

whkattk said...

I'd say there's nothing wrong with jacking off in the back yard, outdoors, amongst nature - it just requires a bit of finesse to make sure no one can see you.

whkattk said...

I agree, at night would be better.

whkattk said...

Not making his son ashamed of jacking off is key.

whkattk said...

Oh, now, see? That's a good point. I hope the OP sees your comments.

whkattk said...

Can't say I've done it in a downpouring of rain, but I've certainly done it outside. It just shouldn't be done where anyone can observe it.

whkattk said...

Thanks. You too, Rick.

whkattk said...

Yep. Dad's get it. Well, except my dad - he beat my brother with a razor strap. Ugh.

PaulMmn said...

Only problem with doing it in a downpour-- in NJ, at least, that water is COLD!

Jean said...

The father needs to tell his son it’s a private act, period. To be mindful where he is, he may not want other family members observing him, and certainly outside strangers could see him, and report him. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the previous talks should have covered all forthcoming events, so that they aren't a surprise and after-the-fact when "damage" has already occurred. Considering that puberty starts at different ages and even pre-ejaculatory boys can masturbate to orgasm, perhaps these talks about a boy's body can't come soon enough to prepare him.

I tend to bristle at comments from women like "I saw our son masturbating in the back yard, you should tell him" as though that suggests something is wrong but not what and what it is that he should be told. Was it his masturbation or the fact she saw him that was wrong, that he should be told about? Particularly since no-one had spoken to him about masturbation and privacy before that: how was he supposed to know when he accidentally discovered that particular pleasure?

It was likely a chance observation too, seeing as he probably chose a relatively unobservable spot, but unfortunately not unobservable enough.

His Mother wasn't forced to watch, she could have looked away and then asked the Dad to have a talk with him about keeping his sexual expression private. The lad probably thought he was doing it in private. Even if he masturbated in his bedroom behind a locked door, I can almost guarantee that if his Mother heard him, she would complain.

This then begs the correlation with morning wood: is it something to be shamefully hidden so no-one sees it, because women in particular are offended?

How much of this comes down to women being offended and men suppressing their own biology in order to keep them happy?

Anonymous said...

My Dad was unfazed when I jacked off around him. But he did caution me to be discreet. When my mother passed, it no longer mattered. He didcit in front of me, and when we went camping, we'd pump off together. But he emphasized discretion not because it was wrong, but because it was private. Big Dude

whkattk said...

That could add up to major shrinkage. LOL

whkattk said...

That there is the point of it all --- particularly observation by strangers. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

I think you may be reading more into the situation than there was. It didn't seem to me as if the mom stood and watched - just that she saw him and wants the dad to address the situation.

whkattk said...

And that's as it should be.

Anonymous said...

Good advice!!! Dad knows best! They were teenage boys once too!

Rad said...

When I lived in Florida, I had a female neighbor who would occasionally comment on my Midnight activity while floating in my private pool.

I just installed a taller fence and that problem went away.

whkattk said...

Dad does know...whether he imparts the wisdom varies from one to another.

whkattk said...

Did she help pay for the new fence?

nakedswimmer said...

That would explain your thing for father-son "teaching".

whkattk said...

Precisely. He was a closed book. Got zero information from him - not even "The Talk."