Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Conquering the World?


It's a blah kind of day. Slept late

and, instead of feeling like conquering the world, it feels like a lazy one.


Hot guys said...

I think it's pretty much fine to be lazy sometimes 🙂

Plus, some of these guys look good while doin' it 👍🏻

Xersex said...

enjoy your lazyness

SickoRicko said...

I, too, feel that way for some reason.

William said...

Take it easy, and take care.

uptonking said...

How luxurious! I say do what you feel... indulge yourself. Everybody needs to coast now an then... recharge. Enjoy your time!! Kizzes.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with having a chill day. Hope you were naked and relaxing all day!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Hey, playing hookie on Wednesday?
Love it.
And these men! Darn. I would like to spend a lazy Wednesday with the blue-eyed blond with the nipple piercing. Yep.


JeanWM said...

Add rain and it’s a perfect lazy day.

Hugs and bisous.

fullmoonma said...

Nothing like a hard cock to make us feel like conquering!

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

It is always nice to not have to get dressed and relax with a good book.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - As much as I love the sun, added rains would be nice for a change. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Hooter - Books on a lazy day are the best!