Thursday, March 3, 2022

Other Cultures


The reason I am enjoying Fabricio's stereotype questions is that they are highlighting how little we know of other cultures. And the reason I believe he's posing them. It's why we shouldn't be throwing hate at all the Russian peoples.

It's why the book burning and banning needs to cease.

Book Burning 1933 (above) and 2022.

The More You Know

Here's today's question:

"Why does every gay person have to listen to Lady Gaga? Why can't they have free likes?"

I thought very little of Lady Gaga when she first burst onto the pop music scene. Don't get me wrong. I liked the voice if not the songs. It was because of the gimmicks. And being involved in theatre and dance for so many years, 

I was well aware of "You gotta have a gimmick."

Then I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to see her first concert tour. And...O...M...G! I was hooked. She's extremely talented. I mean, have you heard her sit at a piano and play and sing one of her compositions?

Readers, What's your take?


SickoRicko said...

I like Lady Gaga even though I've not heard much of her music.

Anonymous said...

Gaga is talented, but you don't HAVE to listen to her music any more than you HAVE to listen to Springsteen or U2. I'm gay, but I don't have anything by Streisand or Cher in my music collection. So what? Listen to what you like, just keep an open mind.

Your French Patrick said...

We must not cast hate on all the Russian people because they are less and less well informed, on the verge of being as little and as badly informed as the population of North Korea where Kim Jong-un succeeded in convincing 99% of them of that the people of every other country in the world are much poorer than the North Koreans as he devotes all his resources to armaments.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat

Rad said...

I am a gay male and have never been a Gaga fan. She just never did it for me. Now LIZZO! She has an incredible voice! IMHO.

Rad said...

In the same vein as lumping people together - there are the morons who are dumping Stoli vodka because it "has a Russian sounding name!".

Truth be told - Stoli is a product of Latvia. Latvia is an independent country and a member of NATO, and is currently supporting the allied forces against Putin.

I wish people would just do their research before knee-jerk reacting like assholes. But hey - in a country dominated by Fox News, what do you expect?

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

The whole 'the gays like...' trope is tired. Not all gay men love Gaga or Madonna (I do love them both, natch) but I don't like Katy Perry or Taylor Swift or Ariana Grande all that much. #notallgays, darling. Same as #notallrussians..


Xersex said...

Stefania Angelina Giovanna (his name in italian sounds like that) Germanotta is so talented woman!!!

Mistress Maddie said...

I'm far from a huge fan of Lady Gaga. I like her as a fellow human, but I actually like her acting far more. I am not also so typical when it comes to the "gay" favorites. I can listen too... but have never been a huge fan of Barbara, Bette, Liza, Judy, or Gaga.

whkattk said...

@ Rad - Exactly. The cancel culture seems to take off in half a heartbeat. Further sad part? They don't eat crow and correct their stance when they're proven wrong.

whkattk said...

@ MFP - Perfect point. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Xersex - She certainly is!

paulmmn said...

I haven't been a -fan- of Lady G, but I enjoyed her concert with Tony Bennett. Alice Cooper says he likes her because she can actually -sing!-


JeanWM said...

I absolutely agree, at first Gaga seemed all gimmick. But then I heard her sing with Tony Bennett and she is an absolutely fabulous singer. Barbra S., Cher and Liza are excellent singers too.

I see a pattern here, maybe gays just know a really good singer when they hear them.
Hugs and bisous.

p.s. I'm ready to pay a lot more for gas, shut off the petroleum imports from Russia.

uptonking said...

Have adored Gaga from day one. I love dance music, and that's what she was doing when she first came on the scene. Since then? She's singing the phone book... I follow most of it. I buy some of it. She's a talented lady. So, what's not to like. Saw her in concert. It was fun. I think she makes the most of a very average, but strong voice. And I love the theatrics. But I would sit and listen to her in a coffee shop - just her and a piano.

Of course we do not all have to like anything. And if someone doesn't like Gaga... okay. I don't care - to each their own. There are no hard and fast rules. It's a little narrow to think that there are...

Anonymous said...

I am not a huge Gaga fan, but I do appreciate her talent. And I liked watching her interactions with Tony Bennett. She was very protective of him in an interview because of his declining memory and I loved that about her. She really admires him. Also, there is a great clip from The Graham Norton Show on You Tube with Gaga that is charming. Maybe I am a bigger fan than I thought?? LOL!

Anonymous said...

As we are all individuals,,,,,

I can add that I am rarely impressed by the obligatory lip syncing at gay pride, and many times at other venues, and all that. It does seem like magic, tho. Just put a drag queen out front, and the crowd goes wild, hypnotized and under a spell.

Before you get too excited, let me also add: I'm impressed by the performers. I respect the world view and irreverence they bring all of us. They bring other perspectives, commentary and joy to us and more importantly to the general public at large.

So, I listen to the performers on podcasts, commentaries, other media. They stretch boundaries for the culture at large. I respect their strength and courage.

I guess I'm just a bit tired of any gay event larger than an orgy needing to have someone do bad lip sinking and for so long. It is just a personal preference. But give me any interview with Bob The Drag Queen, or anyone else. I will always tune in. I am there for that!

I have been moved and enjoyed performances. I loved the drag performers I saw in Berlin, for example, singing with their own voices. The slapstick and mocking of social norms is a hoot. Many times I have been deeply moved by a performance.

Maybe it is just the cleche part of it that hits me the wrong way. Dunno. I just gotta roll my eyes sometimes. I can watch one or two episodes of Drag Race, and then I'm pretty much done for a while.

Balls of steel. I can point to many times when men in drag were out in front, fighting for all of us, tough as nails, when I could not.


whkattk said...

@ Jean - Barbra? I ***knew*** there was a reason I liked you so much! Hugs and bisous!!

whkattk said...

@ Upton - I keep trying to get tickets to see Gaga's Piano - Jazz concert. Tough to come by.

whkattk said...

@ Gabriel - Now I have to go find that Graham Norton show! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lady Who?