Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Typical Two


Balls. Balls. Balls.

A couple weeks ago, responding to the post on Testicular Implants, a reader asked about Polyorchidism. According to Healthline, Polyorchidism is the existence of more than two testicles. It's a very rare congenital condition, with approximately 200 cases reported in medical literature.

Porn star Chris Tyler has three.

"Polyorchidism or supernumerary testis means more than two testes. It is very rare and to the best of our knowledge there have been only about 200 cases reported."

There are two types. Type A is reproductively functional, meaning it can supply sperm to the ejaculatory ductwork.

Type B is not. How and why it occurs is a bit of a mystery but Healthline provides a possible answer. 

"One theory is that polyorchidism follows an abnormal division of the genital ridge early in the development of a male fetus. The genital ridge or gonadal ridge is the precursor to the testicles, and forms within the first two months. For reasons that remain unknown, the genital ridge may divide in such a way that a duplicate testis forms in the scrotum or up in the inguinal area."

Yet, it doesn't stop at three. In 2016, a case of four testicles was reported by the National Library of Medicine. And, in 2020, as reported by BMC Urology five testicles were found in a 13-month old. What's it like to have more than two balls? According to GardenofGandalf, a Redditor, who has a third nut, it doesn't pose a problem. He says, "They sometimes can get tangled up." ... "But mostly, it just looks like I have a big package."

Somehow, I still think most guys would be perfectly happy having the typical two functioning balls.



SickoRicko said...

Yeah, two is enough for me.

Your French Patrick said...

Interesting. I didn't know this peculiarity.

Hugs and bisous, my darlings Jean and Pat.

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

Thank you for answering my question. Was very informative and educational. Our cock, scrotum, and balls are amazing works of beauty, fun, and procreation.

Xersex said...

so interesting

William said...

How interesting. Thanks. Never heard of this before.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

I have never met a man with more (or less) than two. And I've been AROUND. It would be interesting, though... And I had to go google Tyler. He's fine.


Anonymous said...

Two balls work for me. Interesting article.

uptonking said...

I'm happy with two... may the remain functional and healthy for my life span! Fascinating read. Kizzes.

JeanWM said...

Interesting. Apparently Doctors don't remove the extra(s) in infancy. Or do they? Maybe the non-functional ones. Could get crowded. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - They do if they know about them and know they don't serve any function. Sometimes they are undescended and get missed. An extra can turn cancerous later in life. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

A false “three balls “ is my story. The third turned out to be an Epidydimal Cyst, still here after many years, not malignant, grown rather large, but no pain or discomfort. Specialist declared no reason to remove it, until it is uncomfortable. Actually looks quite impressive, in or out of my jocks.