Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Happy Midweek



Well, yesterday was supposed to be diagnosis day. The lab results were not back. She removed the stitches so it wasn't a completely wasted trip. According to the web, it could take the lab a month to determine if what she suspects is the culprit. She will call with results so I don't have to drive all the way across town.

Happy Midweek


Mistress Maddie said...

Handyman's crack camouflage!? Now that was funny and most of them could probably use that t-shirt. Although I had a really hot jock one time. I certainly did not mind seeing his cakes protruding out the back. God they were like an extra end table.

Rade said...

I wanna fly like a beagle... ROFL!

Jean said...

That little guy flying at the end looks like a Jack Russell! Ewwww, get a longer T-shirt! That would be a terrible place to get a bad sunburn. Hugs and bisous.

SickoRicko said...

I wanna fly like a Beagle too.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

LOL Oh, I cackled.
Especially with Ethel.

And hopefully it will be nothing. You'll see.
*sends good vibes*


whkattk said...

That sounds like a dancer's butt!

whkattk said...

I loved that one.

whkattk said...

Could be a Jack Russell, huh? It's my favorite meme today!
Hugs and bisous

whkattk said...

Yeah, that's today's favorite.

whkattk said...

Yeah, the jewelry was a bit of a tip-off that she'd recently come into a lot of money, wasn't it? LOL!!!

Thank you! XOXO

anonymous said...

The best morning wood is when you’re a teenager and discover your manhood.
The doc is in, in my jock ass :)
The guy in the sports car should use the stick shift like dildo. (a car collector once had me ride my jock ass on the lubed brake lever of his classic car)
When I talk with my magat relatives I silently say fuck in its various forms,
from four letter to twelve letter, during and after each conversation.
-CA jock

uptonking said...

Great stuff, all... especially the last two. And, oh... poor Ethel. Honey!

Anonymous said...

Mine's sleep nude bed. Love nude sleeping men!

whkattk said...

LOL. Ethel really needed a bit of financial advice.

whkattk said...

Can't say as I blame you... It's the only way we're going to maintain our sanity.

whkattk said...

It's the ONLY and SAFEST way to sleep to protect your cock from cracking.