Friday, January 31, 2025

Moral Compass


How do people lose their moral compass?

What is it with people who are so entrenched in a belief that they can't even allow a person to complete a sentence, or finish asking a question, before they jump in with the "what about-ism" nonsense? Interrupting shows a total lack of respect. That is what my In-laws did to their daughter last evening. The realization that, after almost 60 years, they are not the people they have portrayed themselves to be has had a devastating effect. How do you respond to people who say when asked --- politics aside emphasized ---  they are just fine with serial adultery, serial fraud, serial bigotry, serial sexual assault, serial criminality, serial dishonesty? Then they accuse her of being willing to give up family over politics when she said no such thing. Did I mention she emphasized, "politics aside?"

Of course, I want to jump into the middle of it, but she says, "It's my fight to deal with." Well, I suppose it's best if I stay out of it.

I think I need to go and lose myself in a good book. Maybe one of the banned books since the current administration has claimed the removal of books from libraries is "a hoax" and dropped 11 complaints over "so-called" book bans, which you can read about, straight from the "horse's mouth" as it were,


Anyway, happy Friday.


Mistress Maddie said...

Unfortunately these days I don't see a lot of people that have a moral compass. You just have to hope down the road Karma will come back around

Boz Bochner said...

I'm sorry about the in-law issues... I don't have any family and my other half has written off his remaining family over of all things politics... but basically lack of a moral compass. I miss certain members of my family (the dems) and the rest... meh... life is easier and far less drama.

SickoRicko said...

Yeah, one never knows about those situations. Politics aside, great post!

Jean said...

I watched the infamous press conference about the plane crash tragedy, and Trump at a time when he should have been gracious, was ugly and lying. Forced to watch Fox News right after, I was stunned at how they portrayed Trump as the patriot and hero comforting the country, giving solace to the relatives, blah blah blah. That couldn’t have been further from the truth, and maybe one reason these folks are clueless. Chances are good that’s where they get all their interpretations of the news.
Have a good weekend. Hugs and bisous.

CAAZ said...

I will never understand it. Happy Friday and thanks for the eye candy.

Hummel said...

My father had orange levels of narcissistic personality disorder, he was prone to making statements like your in laws.
A friend of mine advised me that 'it doesn't matter what you do, they won't change'.
I know that sounds like a cop out, maybe it is, but I'm only in control of my own thoughts and morals. In my opinion from your blog and the way you help people (myself included) your moral compass is fine.
If I was to seek to control other people and impose my opinions on them it would make me as bad, or worse than the politicians I can't respect.
I'm in the UK and our media are obsessed with what is happening in the US. But we have to get on with our lives.

Good luck Pat

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how some people in a relationship think something that affects them, affects them only and is solely their responsibility to address; and it must be distressing to be told to "butt out, it's a family matter". Aren't you also family, or just an ATM, companion, dildo and white knight when wanted and an object to be stuffed back into the closet when not?

At the very least, men feel the overspill of womens emotions, even when it isn't related to them, which can't be helped but carryover.

At least she knows you have her back in support. Good luck.

On a different subject, I'm drooling over the first photo after your comment.

whkattk said...

Wouldn't that be nice....

whkattk said...

Yep, there would be far less drama if she would just cut them out.

whkattk said...

Thanks, Rick.

whkattk said...

That is the ONLY place my in-laws get their "news." He's such a despicable ... thing. I wanted to say "human being" but he isn't one.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Me either. You're welcome - and thanks for reading!

whkattk said...

I keep trying to tell my wife that she can't change her parents. Her argument is that they weren't like this 20 years ago; if they changed to this, they can change back. Nope, ain't gonna happen. Sad, but true.

whkattk said...

It's tough for her, and I get it...sort of. If it were me, I'd cut them out and be done. She's not built that way --- and I guess that's a good thing.

Glad you liked the photo!

uptonking said...

Some would say my moral compass broke a long time ago... but I have ethics.... I live an ethical life. I do no harm. I leave places and people as good or better than when I arrived. That said... I make bad choices for selfish reasons. I know who I am and what I like... but I make a conscious effort to fill my life with opportunities to help and serve others to balance out my hedonistic (selfish) desires and activities. That's how I live with a fairly clean conscience and can sleep at night. Be kind. Unwind.

uptonking said...

P.S. All the sexiest men read books!

whkattk said...

Indeed. More guys need to figure that out.

whkattk said...

Same. I try, anyway.