Thursday, January 16, 2025

Letting Them Win



Well, it appears that a lot of folks have been faced with the access issue. There are workarounds in the comments to yesterday's post. And Laurent, who runs Workmen and Rednecks, has posted detailed instruction.

Bottom line: Blogger is purposely making accessing "adult" content more difficult.

It's their way around accusations of censorship.

Winter is coming.

Sixpence, who runs Lo Imprescindable (The Day and the Time) posted a trailer to Bad Faith, a documentary that explains what is happening with all of this. I've seen the film and, while scary (and it should be), it's well worth the watch.

Maddie, who runs A Day With the Mistress Borghese, says it may be time to hang up the blogging. I'm inclined to agree.

But, on the other hand, that feels a bit like letting them win.


RockHard said...

I live in a red state that requires age verification for adult sites. I'm not having a problem accessing BWA. BTW, xvideos and xnxx are not asking for age verification. I'm guessing they may be located outsite the US.

Milleson said...

Pat, I think you answered your own question concerning quitting the blog. Don't give up, don't give in! Don't let Blogger win this. As usual, any problem that arises concerning censorship and all things sexual is to put the blame on someone or something else, other than the true root of the problem. PARENTS!!!

Kids and young teens are just as curious as ever about the changes taking place in their bodies and the confusion that accompanies their curiosity. If parents don't want their children learning about sex, sexuality and sexual orientation from an outside source, then it's their responsibility to have those discussions with them. Parents today give their kids unlimited access and possession to all things technical; cell phone, computers, laptops and everything they won't discuss with them those children will find it on the web. They are tech smarter than any parent and through their friends will find the answers they seek. With the advancement of technology, the old "birds and the bees" is as obsolete as World Book encyclopedias. Hard facts and reality-based honest discussions are needed. Children when they ask, need to know why their bodies are changing, what are hormones, why do I bleed down there once a month, why do I have wet underwear during the night...and every other question they will ask. Stop this puritanical mind-set and face the future.

I know this is a lengthy comment Pat, but I consider my own life a prime example for educating children about sex. My Dad and Mom severely screwed up the first 19 years of my life by never discussing even the birds/bees story with me or my 2 older sisters. Consequently, we had 2 rushed marriages due to unscheduled pregnancies and a young gay boy didn't have a clue as to what that all entailed. At 19, at college, I had my first wet dream that literally scared the cum out of me. After that, I started educating myself to the joys and responsibilities of all things sexual, from any source I could access. The 1950s and 1960s were here, Queen Victoria had been dead since 1901, time for enlightenment. Parents, do your duty or they'll find it out from some other source, which may or may not be correct. That's about what Blogger should be concerned.

nakedswimmer said...

I haven't had any trouble; just log in before clicking yes.

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh I definitely won't be giving a blogging. I just don't want to be last blog still left going. You know when you're like that last person at the party that doesn't want to leave? And I plan to continue for as long as I can like you said they ain't winning. Now I think I'll strip naked and run around in the snow.

William said...

I'd hate to see you stop. I've enjoyed you for too many years, and it would leave a huge hole in the world.

Jean said...

Pat, if you continue the blog we will support you. Hugs and bisous

Hooter from Owls Rest said...

The snow is so pretty that I have left the Christmas lights on to enjoy with a background of winter white. Maximus is not as happy since he has to drive for work.

UnapologeticFox said...

I've not been able to access the page for several days. It was quite frustrating as I like to read your blog with my morning cigarette
So good to be able to catch up today :) and don't let the bastards grind you down

SickoRicko said...

I'm not letting them win!

Rad said...

I've noticed the past week or so that adult sites are now forcing me to log on (as opposed to just clicking the "I am an adult" button and entering). For what it's worth, a couple of sites I visit use "Wordpress" for user verification, and those were rather hosed up last week, too. I suspect it has EVERYTHING to do with the incoming administration.

whkattk said...

Glad you aren't having issues here. Sites that don't require age verification must be outside the US....

whkattk said...

I cannot argue with a single bit of that.

whkattk said...

There are some folks who fear using their Google accounts to access the adult content sites. If they would create a whole different account, and use the Incognito function, they wouldn't have to worry --- well, as long as they aren't trying to access adult stuff on work equipment.

whkattk said...

Good. Folks giving up some of the other socials...they're letting the asshats win. X - well, that thing is useless. Bsky is pretty decent, though I don't know if they'd find a way to limit the explicit stuff. I don't think anyone has tried it, yet.

Careful out there in the snow! Don't freeze the bits off.

whkattk said...

Aw, thank you. I appreciate that.

whkattk said...

Thank you. I am going to try, though without folks asking specific questions, I've run out of issues to post about. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Our tree (fake, of course) is still up. The baubles are put away but the lights are still on it. We haven't had snow here in quite a few years now. We're way past due but climate change....

whkattk said...

Damn....well, glad you managed to get back on. I shall try to keep going, despite the obstacles thrown in my way.

whkattk said...

Good. If we don't fight, we lose.

whkattk said...

The religious extremists sure are more than partly to blame. The incoming administration will pile on, that's for sure. Maybe not all adult content, but any LGBTQ+ content will be battling to survive.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh Big.
Blogger is part of Google and they are kissing the ring, like all the techbros.
I won’t quit blogging , btw. I like my little soapbox. And thanks for the shoutout!


uptonking said...

It's all temporary, dear. Don't let 'em get you down.

Anonymous said...

Please do not stop!!! Even I will try to think up some questions for you to answer, although I still have not read through 11 years of your posts.

To all of you posters, should you stop posting at least leave the existing stuff up for others to discover. And back up what you have out there, better times may yet return.