Monday, January 20, 2025

Today is



Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Celebrate the man who fought for Democracy and freedom, and follow his lead.

Monday Giggles

Winter Is Here.


CAAZ said...

Beautiful cock with that GIF.

Rade said...

Happy MLK, Jr. Day to you, too! Great collection for the day!

SickoRicko said...

Thanks for the giggles. Stay warm!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Happy MLK Day!
It's freezing here so I'm basically not moving much.
And Hey Cody Heeeyyyy....


Mistress Maddie said...

Amen to Martin Luther King Jr. What a shame is they had to be moored with such a tragic event. Now I just hope I can come out of my shell and be social. When I first heard from was going to be president and won the election I initially was going to withdrawal for 4 years on all social medias. But I refuse to give in.

Jean said...

Happy MLK day. Cold, grim, but still a great city to visit. I tried to contact French Patrick’s relatives with no reply.

Monday funnies that are so good it’s hard to pick a favorite. Good to laugh when there’s nothing good to laugh at in DC. Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Perfect morning.

whkattk said...

Thank you!

whkattk said...

You, too. It's going to be miserably cold.

whkattk said...

LOL. I think Cody is adorable.

whkattk said...

We can't. It's what they hope would make it easier for them.

whkattk said...

Dang.... I do fear Patrick has left us.
We certainly need to laugh. I was so disgusted last evening listening to the things he's done in the first 8 hours. All disgusting. Hugs and bisous.

uptonking said...

It is so frigging cold here... -20 degrees this morning with -35 wind chill. Looking at those pics of snow... I am shivering. Kizzes.