Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Surprised / Not Surprised?


Calling it the One Flag Rule, the current administration has banned the Pride and BLM flags from all federal institutions. You can read about it HERE and HERE.

Trans individuals are being discharged from the US military, and Trans women are being removed from women's prisons and put in with the male population. You can read about it HERE and HERE

I wondered what the Log Cabin folks think about all this. 

You can read the answer HERE.

Are you:

Surprised? Not surprised?.


SickoRicko said...

I'm not surprised. I'm disgusted.

JiEL said...

AS a Canadian I'm noway surprised that this is happening in USA after you voted for the lesser valuable candidate who never hid that he knew about «Project 2025» even if he denied it. So many of his «friends» wrote it.
Now USA is going backward and worse with the recent Felon Musk's actions in Germany, nothing good will come out of this «Christian» administration.
Canada is a country where our Constitution and our «Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms» are protectinf EVERY Canadian and no «autocrat» or «Emperor» or «Dictator» or even «King» can unitarely change it.
Canadian army is happily welcoming any LGBTQ+ people who wants to server and defend Canadians.
They even attend our Gay Prides all over our Country to show their comitment to what they say.

Mistress Maddie said...

First of all, The Log Cabin Republicans can go suck off. And this doesn't surprise me about the Pride Flags. In his first term he also banned them from being flown on federal institutions so I knew that was coming. That only means that this year Pride festivals of lgbtq and their supporters better go .. in the events better be packed to the gills to show our numbers.

CAAZ said...

So sad the "Greatest Country on Earth" is going back decades when the rest of the world is moving forward. Many people, sadly and going to lose their lives over the bullshit your Dictator choose to do.

Milleson said...

Not surprised. It's like watching a sacred giant Sequoia being felled by half a dozen chops with a small utility axe. It may take 4 years for them to accomplish the task but the tree WILL fall. Welcome to Project 2025

whkattk said...

It stuns me that any LGBTQ person or ally would still be supporting him with this stuff.

whkattk said...

We are falling into an abyss. All I can say is, when my wife retires (in 2 years) we have someone who will sponsor us into your country.

whkattk said...

I hope so. We haven't attended Pride in many years but I think we will now.

whkattk said...

It is sad. As one person put it on the socials: "I didn't fuck around but, sadly, I'm having to find out."

whkattk said...

Good analogy.

Jean said...

I am beginning to think the “Useful Idiot” has delivered our country to his master; a complete takeover without even a shot fired. This is what it looks like. Hugs and bisous.

Anonymous said...

This is the start of the slippery slope: once you begin demeaning people because of major diversity from the norm, it progresses to increasingly minor diversity until you reach the singularity of the norm, despite there being a natural diversity in distribution of human characteristics.

uptonking said...

Not surprised. They've made no secret about their desire to go back to 1952. I wonder how it will all sort out. The court system is going to be tied up for the next four years... and four more after that.

whkattk said...

Oh, brother, did they step in it yesterday! Even the MAGAs were angry. While some folks I know said they were screaming at their TVs, I laughed. Couldn't help it. The Red states thought they were going to be exempt! LOL.
Hugs and bisous.

whkattk said...

Yep, the court system is going to be backlogged. And the SCOTUS Shadow Docket will be used a whole bunch.

T said...

No. You have an Oompa Loompa running the country. The Supreme Oompa Loompa has found more like-minded batshit crazies to run the Chocolate Factory with him.

The US is now The Chocolate Factory. The Oompa Loompa's are running it. You saw what happened to them kids if they strayed from the path.

Not one person/country is going to get through the next 4years unscathed.