Friday, July 16, 2021

Is This Possible?


"I have a 19-year old nephew who claims he's never had an erection not even a typical morning boner. Is this possible? What mechanism actually traps blood in the dick to make it and keep it hard?"

That would be unusual. But it is possible. Can he at least get semi-hard?

You really made me dig deep on this one. According to the Cleveland Clinic in the article "Erection and Ejaculation: How It Works," posted in November 2020, it has to do with compression.

"The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand and creating an erection. The tunica albuginea (the membrane surrounding the corpora cavernosa), helps to trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, sustaining the erection."

Additionally, the Michigan Institute of Urology, in their article, Vasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction, gets more detailed in what does or doesn't happen in the getting of and maintaining an erection. There are many forms and causes of ED; Psychological and physiological, And different ways of treating it.

Is it possible that nerve centers were somehow damaged? Is it possible that one (or more) of the interior sheaths (Tunica, or Deep Bucks Fascia) didn't form properly? Most likely, only a Ultrasonography could discover that. I'd suggest a trip to a top-rated urologist for a full-on genital examination.

Because, in my opinion, an otherwise healthy male his age should be experiencing multiple erections every day and every night.

Not to mention that the lack of ejaculations raises his risk of prostate cancer.
In the meantime, he could try using a cock ring.
As long as he doesn't keep it in place longer than 30 minutes, or so.
Any other interim ideas, Readers?


Derek said...

I'm with you on this one - get to the urologist asap!

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Never heard of anything like this. Ruling out hormones and something physical, maybe Asexuality? I have no idea.


Hot guys said...

Never heard of something like that before. Quite unsual, at least to me. 🤷‍♂️

Maybe he should go see a doctor. Can't hurt. 😏

John Berry (he/him) said...

I have read that it's quite common for a man to think he never gets an erection but when it's tested out he does get them at night. Sounds like this may be the case here, because you're right it should be standing up all the time at his age.

Your French Patrick said...

For information:
In France: Article 222-32 of the Penal Code recalls that "The sexual exhibition imposed in the sight of others in a place accessible to the public is punishable by one year of imprisonment and a penalty of 15,000 euros"
But, in practice, the risks are limited since the infringement must be noticed by the police.
You have the right to practice naturism at home only if no one is likely to see you.
In practice, this only requires a sufficient fence height so that you cannot be seen unintentionally.

JeanWM said...

Where are his parents and do they know? It's hard to imagine that a 19-year-old has not seen a doctor. But that's the first place to go, the doctor, and if he does not have health insurance a lot of localities have free clinics. This aunt/uncle is getting a plea for help from the nephew; 19 yr olds don't like to bring this up.

Make sue he gets the help he needs, hugs and bisous

Xersex said...

he has inhibitions or he has physical problems.

Fullmoonma said...

Have his testosterone levels checked? Recent therapeutic experience has made me understand that without testosterone hardons don't happen. I also wonder what happens if he massages his penis - does it feel good even if it doesn't get hard? That could be a clue...

JiEL said...

All of you can say can be out of logic or medical issues.

I was a «late bloomer» as my first real ejaculation did happen when I was 22yo.
I had some hardons in my teenage times but never enough to get to the point of ejaculation.

At 21yo I could easily be identify as a 14yo boy: no beard, no hair on my body and now at 70yo I'm still without body hair but I have all mine on my head.

So I would say about this guy to let nature go on because each man has its own evolution in puberty and teenage times to adulthood.

BTW, I got married at 26yo and did have 3 nice normal children: two boys and a girl.

uptonking said...

Hold out on using a cock ring until after the examination. No need making things worse or creating additional problems. Interesting situation.

paulmmn said...

I'm late to the party, but I only have a wise-guy suggestion-- The uncle must take his nephew 'in hand' and verify the issue in question. Maybe it's a matter of the proper stimulation!


whkattk said...

@ John - It actually is very common to get hard-ons at night and not experience what anyone would consider a normal sexually-aroused erection.

whkattk said...

@ Jean - You're right. It may have been a "passing comment" but it should be ringing alarm bells. I think this aunt/uncle took it seriously. I hope they follow up with this kid.

whkattk said...

@ JiEL - You could be right - he may just be a late bloomer. As we all know, "normal" contains a range. I still think he might want to see a urologist to find out.

Anonymous said...

The whole process of arousal, ejaculation and orgasm is a complex process involving physical structures, communications processes via nerves and chemical transmitters, and brain activity. A defect in any of those elements can derail the process, like missing a link in a chain.

The first port of call should be a Doctor in any case as even though development tends to span a range, the further you get away from the norm, the more chance that something is going awry that might benefit from medical attention. I'm sure there are tests that can be performed, even just on experiences, which might indicate whether there is grounds for concern.

Boys can often experience orgasms through stimulation, even if they have not developed far enough to ejaculate. The OP doesn't have enough detail to even speculate about what might be going wrong: does the nephew experience orgasm with stimulation, has he ever experienced nocturnal emission, has he even started to develop adult male characteristics, etc?

Of course I am just curious, a Doctor would have a better understanding of delayed development and other potential issues and know what to look for.

Even so, the medical profession does not seem to have been able to help with my anhedonia and I was very good at deliberately willing down spontaneous erections in my youth because I thought them unacceptable for various reasons. I don't deliberately will orgasms down.

Taking the nephew "in hand" might be considered sexual abuse: it's really unfortunate that men have such a taboo against a physical connection when it is just mutual enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

@ Your French Patrick - it sounds like the French Penal system, like many others, needs to enter the 21st Century from the Victorian era. The human body is not shameful, only some acts which are not consensual.

It's my understanding that nudists develop distinction between seeing a naked body as an automatic advertisement for sex and an actual communicated invitation. I think if we all managed to attain that state, there would be less sexual harassment. Arousal is not necessarily an invitation to anything, it just is.

I thank you for your comment, because it forced me to check the meaning of "penal" as distinct from "penial" or "penile" as I originally thought "penal" meant related to "penis".